Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ladder of Pride

Church was very challenging this morning.  We are continuing on with our One Month to Live Challenge and today we talked about Learning Humbly.

Pastor Jerry's illustration was that when we think we are better than someone else, we climb a rung on the ladder to get closer to God & His greatness.  We continually think that we are the greatest, when actually, God is the greatest.  During church, I realized that I am a very proud person.  I constantly find myself climbing rungs of the ladder thinking that I am better than someone else because "I don't talk about myself as much as she does" or "I am going to make a better nurse, because I care more" or "I am a better person because I don't participate in that" etc etc. 

This week, I want to be like a child.  I want to be helpless and completely dependent on God.  I don't want to climb any ladders this week and I don't want to think I am better than someone else.

I also want to love the "unlovables" in my life, COMPLETELY.  We all have those people in our lives that get under our skin and drive us crazy, this week, I want to love those people in my life.  I don't want to make snarky comments to them, I don't want to gossip about them, and I want to acknowledge their existence in my life and be thankful for what they have taught me. 

This will not be an easy task, but here's to change.

Friday, March 11, 2011

One Month to Live Challenge

I have been back from Florida for a week and I am getting reacclimated to the chilly weather and snow, but oh how I wish I was still being a beach bum. 

The 2 adorable girls I spent the week in Florida with.

This was beach day (Charlie is in the background building his kelp castle)

At church on Sunday we started a new sermon series based on the book "One Month to Live."  With this sermon series, we are doing different challenge groups/Bible studies to correspond with the sermon series and the book.  I am taking the One Month to Live challenge.  The premise is that you evaluate your life and decide what you want to change about your life before you die and then live the next month as if it were your last. 

Since I started the challenge, I have started to evaluate my life and decide what I would like to change in my life and what things I want to truly accomplish in my lifetime. 

The first thing that I have come up with is that I want to start Owning It.  After reading Kayla's blog post, I was so inspired to own everything in my life from my thoughts to my actions to my decisions.

Today, I am owning many things, some of which include:
  • Trying to lose weight during this "session" of Weight Watchers has been discouraging because after 10 weeks, I have not seen the results that I want, but I am going to be better.  I am going to make better decisions and make time work out, even if it means a little less sleeping in time on a Saturday morning. I own my current weight and I own my desire to lose weight.
  •  I have little motivation for school work and as much as I hate it, I have been resorting to the "enough to get by" mentality.  I own my lack of motivation and I am going to try and put more effort in the last few weeks.
I was also inspired to not be such a people pleaser.  I need to not be afraid to say "Sorry I'm Not Sorry."

In the next 30 days, I only want to feel sorry for the things I truly need to be sorry for and not for not pleasing every person in my life. 

In the next 30 days I want to be more willing to spend time with friends, even if it means foregoing my 10:30pm bedtime or sacrificing a little "me time" on Saturdays.  I want to make the most of my days left here in college, and there's no better time to start than now. 

As I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish in my lifetime, I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing more that I want in my life than to be a wife and a mommy.  Now, I know that this obviously will not happen within the next 30 days, but I can start preparing my heart and my life to meet my husband so that I can be the best wife that I know how to be.  I know that God has placed this intense desire in my heart for a reason, and I am so excited to see how He fulfills his plans for me.

I will update on my 30 Day Challenge as I start meeting with my challenge group and we get into some really deep issues.